Why »

I know that many of you are wondering: WHY ON EARTH WOULD SOMEONE CREATE A SHRINE FOR NAGA? I know some of my friends did, especially those that knew how different Naga was from most of my favorite anime/video game characters. I mean, look at the other shrines I run: Quistis from FF8, and Ayeka from Tenchi Muyo...Ayeka and Naga? How can the same person love both of these characters, my friends have asked. The short answer : I'm insane, but I do love Naga.

I like Naga because she's the way she is: brassy, loud, overconfident and has that oh-so-annoying laugh. I love Naga because despite the fact that she dresses like a....[insert your own colorful comparsion here], she still holds her teacup daintily with the pinkie out, like she's some proper lady or even royalty (which she is). I like the way she knows spells that even Lina did not know she knew, and the way she's always messing up her magic--those original spells of hers are both useful and ridiculous at the same time. And how couldn't love someone who enjoys a good drink now and then? Those are just some of the reasons why I love Naga.

Now, here's the reason this site is called Pythonissa! "Pythonissa" is a latin word which means 'a sorceress' as well as 'a possessed woman.' Both descriptions accurately describe Naga. Plus, its root is the word 'python' and comes from the same word which gave us 'python,' a snake-y word. And since Naga is the Serpent....I thought it was a pretty good name, at least for a Naga shrine.

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